
Welcome featured image

Hello and welcome to the Survivor State of Mind blog!

Are you fighting cancer? Are you a caregiver for someone fighting? Is your best friend going through the fight of a lifetime? No matter who you are, I am so excited to welcome you to this blog.

About this blog

The Survivor State of Mind blog is run by me, Alex DiBuono, a two-time cancer survivor that has been through a lot of crap. My purpose for creating this blog is to share some of my experiences with the world in the hope that I can help people that are about to go through cancer treatments, are right in the middle of them, or are in the recovery phase. I am also deeply passionate about giving credit to all caregivers that have to be our rocks during these tough times, and there will be posts to help them as well.

I will be posting a new topic each week. Some might be tips and tricks to get through certain hardships, others might be things that I’ve learned from certain experiences. If there is a topic that you would like to see discussed, please by all means let me know on the contact page! I would LOVE to hear from you.

So what exactly is the “Survivor State of Mind?”

It is my personal belief that, along with the right medical treatment plan of course, your mindset plays an integral part in the fight against cancer (or any challenge in life for that matter).

Someone with a Survivor State of Mind is, in my eyes, an individual that believes in themselves and their ability to keep fighting no matter what challenge is in their way. A Survivor State of Mind is maintained through a sense of humor, always believing, setting goals, leaning on love, and some may even have the desire to inspire others during their journey.

Oh, and by the way, you don’t need to be going through a battle with cancer to have a Survivor State of Mind. For all of you caregivers out there supporting your loved ones through the challenges they are facing, I’ve got a surprise for you – you have it too.


Please remember that everything I say in these posts is coming from my own experiences and are my own opinions. If you disagree (or better yet, if your doctor disagrees) with a certain tip I offer, or an idea that I dish out, please do not listen to it! I am by no means an expert on any of this. Like I said before, I’m just a guy that’s gone through a bunch of cancer crap that also happens to want to talk about it.

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy the blog and I hope it helps!



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Featured photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

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