A Poem For Be The Match

If you’re a part of the cancer community in the United States, or have a loved one going through treatment, you have probably heard of Be The Match. Be The Match is an extremely powerful non-profit organization that dedicates its resources to educate as many people as possible and add to their registry in order to help find donors for those who need a bone marrow transplant. They are probably the most well-known bone marrow registry in the U.S, with an abundance of valuable resources and caretaker support options.

A few years ago, I was asked by Be The Match to write a short piece about my transplant to help others going through similar situations. There were essentially no rules as to format or content. I was able to write about any aspects of the treatment that I felt comfortable sharing. If you are familiar with my other posts, you’ll know that I value a positive mindset, humor throughout life, maintaining motivation, and helping others.

When I was asked to write this piece, I decided to write my story as a poem that I felt encompassed not only my story, but all of those values as well. Keep in mind that I am no poet, but I had fun writing it!

Please click the link below to view my poem and see a few photos from my journey! Pay special attention to my spectacular mustache caused by Cyclosporine (immunosuppressant medicine). I doubt I will ever be able to grow facial hair like that again!


Please consider visiting BeTheMatch.com to join the registry if you have not already done so. You will receive a kit in the mail to swab your cheek and send it back, so it is super simple and you just might save a life!

As always, please feel free to reach out to me on my contact page if you have any questions, tips of your own, topics you would like to see covered, or just feel like chatting to someone that’s been through it. I am always here for you.



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Featured image is one of my own!

2 thoughts on “A Poem For Be The Match”

  1. I love your poem!! I’ve been writing a lot of poems this year; it helps to write and I’ve been sharing some with my support groups to encourage them too.

    1. Thank you!!

      That is so great that you are encouraging others in your support group. I 100% agree that writing can really be a mental release (which is a huge part of why I run this blog!). In fact, my dad and I even used to come up with funny songs to get some humor out of all the medications and treatments that I was on! Maybe some day I’ll share one on here.

      Take care!

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